Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Wednesday 17th Sep 2008 23:57:38
Lancashire Hotpot and Jehovah's Witnesses
So yes . . . it was whilst we were getting ready for dinner tonight (Mark and Cathie were bringing round prepared food) that two Jehovah's Witnesses popped around. I was quite excited, as I hadn't had a visitation from these people for years and years. So one of them says something like, "We were just wondering if you had any thoughts about all these problems in the world [I think I started to turn off at this point] . . . blah, blah, blah and something to do with the will of God? I think that was a question. It was meant to be. Whaddaya think?" and I wasn't sure what to make of what I had just heard, so I goes, "Blimey. Questions, questions. So many questions. I don't know what all the answers are." Then they kind of cut to the chase, as did I, and the whole thing seemed to be coming to a close, but then they started enquiring about my faith, religion and such-like. At this point, I really wanted to say, "Look, I feel fortunate that I have reached a point fairly early on in my life when I've realised that whether or not there is a God actually makes no difference. Life is far too short to be worrying about such things. If we assume we live in a God-less and sometimes cruel and indifferent universe, then perhaps we can concentrate our efforts on making this world a better place for all of us. I mean, who cares how we got here and why we're here? The point is that we are here and that is that. The meaning of life is that there is no meaning of life, surely. When everyone enjoys a fantastic standard of living, when there is no disease, no poverty, no suffering, etc., then it might make sense to wonder about deities and such-like. One world at a time and all that." Instead, I just muttered something about, "Well, no, I'm okay, thanks. I don't currently have any spiritual questions that need answering," and they just nodded and smiled and moved on to the next household. During the rest of the evening, we enjoyed a fantastic Lancashire Hotpot that Mark and Cathie had prepared that day, washed down with lashings of red wine. Mmmmmmmmm.

Comments received:

  • Name: Matthew Harkness
  • IP address:
  • URL:
  • Date/time: Monday 29th September 2008 17:44:28
  • Comment: I have those tongue-tied moments too. Hopefully some JWs will visit me soon (heck their hall is just round the corner) and I can have a good chin-wag with them about such questions. Then I'll add a record of it on my blog.
  • Name: jonath
  • IP address:
  • Date/time: Saturday 4th October 2008 20:42:08
  • Comment: Well, yes, indeed. I'm glad that they're able to do what they do and everyone's kinda like, "Ah well, those crazy Jehovah's Witnesses, eh?" but, yeah . . . it wasn't a good time for me, I didn't have time for chin-wagging so I had to banish them. Hmmmmm, yes. Hello?

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