Saturday 5th January 2013
erm . . . The Victoria?
Sunday 6th January 2013
M**** playing the piano
Saturday 12th January 2013
Last chance before demolition
It must be very rare that you can say to your two children, "See this wall here? Right. Here are some paints, here are some brushes. Paint the wall however you see fit. Go crazy." So that's exactly what we did, because this is the wall between our current kitchen and current 'lounge' that is about to be removed.
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Thursday 17th January 2013
RSJ in place!
Today the RSJ arrived (a day late) and the builders managed to destroy a wall and get the damn thing in place. Woo hoo! M**** and I popped in after I had finished at work, just to check out what had happened. As we arrived, we knew something had taken place on account of the amount of stuff in the skip in the driveway.
Friday 18th January 2013
Christ on a bike! What the hell has happened to my house?!
Saturday 19th January 2013
Tewitfield and Arnside
Sunday 20th January 2013
Shifting sands . . .
So we popped back home for something . . . erm . . . I think we were going to cover up with dust sheets some more stuff in the front room, but then we realised we had pretty much already done that, so we just picked up a few items and left. A few vaguely ominous new cracks have appeared. That first picture shows a crack that has appeared in the stud bathroom wall, this wall being directly above the pantry door . . . or what was the pantry door. The pantry doesn't really have any walls or doors any more. Hmmmm. Then the other cracks are in our bedroom wall, which is directly above where the RSJ is. So yeah . . . To the right of these cracks is of course the door frame, which must have shifted slightly as well, for now our bedroom door is rather tricky to open . . . seems to rub on the carpet a lot more than previously. Also, whilst we were wandering around our bedroom, one of the floorboards make a kind of banging sound, like it suddenly dropped down a millimetre or two. M**** didn't like that.
Yeah, so that was good. We also had some shopping to do in town, but when all these things were finished, we went for a walk somewhere around Warton. The air seemed to have this odd kind of stillness about it. Not a breeze in the air, hardly any birds . . . very, very quiet . . . and the low clouds seemed to contribute to this, swallowing up any stray sounds. It was odd; not really ominous, but just very . . . still.
Tuesday 22nd January 2013
Kitchen / diner update
Here's the latest update, as I know we're all waiting on the edge of our seats . . . Back door filled in, dodgy pile of bricks holding up stairs replaced, RSJ cemented in, kitchen / diner door 'pencilled' in . . . so yeah . . . all looking good. Oh, and the building regs got approved by the council, so that helped. Still loads more to do, of course . . . fire needs moving with all the work to the front room chimney and hearth needed. Pipes for central heating (and everywhere else) need re-routing. Loads of stuff, but we're getting there.
Thursday 24th January 2013
Plasterboard starts appearing
Sunday 27th January 2013
Around the core is a partially molten boundary layer
Wednesday 30th January 2013
Some more stuff happens . . .