Monday 2nd January 2017
Er . . . Fairy Steps?!
New Year's Day was a bit of a non-day, due really due to hangovers (of which these were very slight anyway) but mainly because we just felt like a lazy day. We went out today, I think to the Fairy Steps, it looks like.
Tuesday 3rd January 2017
Tarn Hows, probably
Saturday 7th January 2017
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I don't think I've ever been up Ingleborough. Went for a walk today with James. Most of the time Ingleborough itself was shrouded in mist and as we got closer and closer, it wasn't clear whether I was looking at a band of darker cloud or some distant mountain. As the mist cleared slightly, there was no sense of scale to the vista and so, perhaps a few hundreds metres away, it looked for a while like I was looking at something comparable to the Eiger but still quite distant. The logic part of my brain must been over-ridden by the optical illusion. Anyway, the mist cleared some more and we could make out people on the summit and suddenly scale was restored - it was just a largish hill, quite close up. Yeah, so . . . Afterwards, we went to perhaps The Three Horseshoes in Ingleton. Food was okay, but took a while to materialise, despite the quietness of the place - there were perhaps half a dozen customers. Anyway, it was all good. After that, a late lunch, we went to see Mark and Cathie's new house in Hest Bank, where M**** and the boys had arrived earlier.
Saturday 14th January 2017
A zero angle defect tessellates space of the same dimension as the facets
Saturday 21st January 2017
Magnesite beads can be dyed into a broad spectrum of bold colors