Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Friday 10th Mar 2006
Er . . . some pictures of A******. Tonight I did also set up a little local area network for my parents. This means my parents turn a computer on and wham! the internet's there already. Amazing. There's a wireless component to the network, so I changed the router's password, changed the channel, changed the, er . . . something ID . . . I dunno . .. . the name that identifies that wireless network . . . I changed it anyway. Then I set-up 128-bit encryption with some crazily random key and then allowed only a couple trusted NICs to connect wirelessly. Last thing you want is some cheeky neighbour downloading a load of copyright-violation films/music/software, incurring extra download charges from your ISP. So yeah . . . might be a bit tricky if someone pops round with a lap-top, needing an internet connection. Anyway, now I watch a film that my brother did lend me.

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