Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Saturday 28th Oct 2006
Maybe this is something he's been taught at nursery: spinning around on the spot, banging on a drum, getting himself dizzy, laughing. Hence, some of these might be slightly blurry (it wasn't working out with the flash), due to all his movement. That last picture was his dinner that night. Maybe some people would look at this and call it junk food but I see potato, beans, tomato and fish. Mmmmmmm. He ate most of it: one just needs to ensure each fork-full has a bit of ketchup on it. M**** was saying how when she was young fish fingers were a bit minging: loads of silvery stuff, like you were getting the dog-ends of fish, and it was all nasty, re-constituted stuff. But these fish fingers were really nice: I ate what little A****** left behind.

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