Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Friday 22nd Aug 2003

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. One of the many Jonathan M******'s has replied to my e-mail (this rarely happens)!!!! Freaky! You see, you go here and you discover someone else with my name. Nothing so unusual, you may think, but I thought the surname M****** was . . . you know . . . sufficiently rare to prevent the unpleasant coincidence of someone . . . being a Jonathan as well. I mean, think about it . . . what the hell is that smell? For frig sake. Wait a sec . . . I need to shut my window. But, anyway, this is the reply, from none other than Jonathan M******:

Yep, that's definitely my name - i too thought it would be unique.


> Hello there,
>Am I right in thinking someone exists with the same name as myself? I never
>thought it possible . . .

Otherwise . . . very strange incidence of utilities selling their products door-to-door on Thursday night (not like I was busy or anything). Perhaps it's best not to name the individuals concerned or the company for whom these people work for, but . . . well, we know who you are. So yesterday evening, I heard a knock on the door, ran down to the front door and answered it. The smell of salesman was overwhelming, but I love this kind of stuff (the sales game), so decided to humour him. So, the guy's chatting for a while, telling me why company X can supply me with gas and electricity way cheaper than company Y or company Z . . . blah blah blah . . . and I'm saying to him, "Well, maybe you do, but I've never seen your prices advertised, so I've never been able to compare you with other companies, so . . ." which yielded, "We don't advertise. We save money by not advertising," et cetera, et cetera . . . so after a while, this guy says to me, "Can I come in? Is that okay?" so I'm like, "Yeah, what the hell, have a seat." So I let this salesman into my house, knowing full well that a salesman would think the sale is pretty much closed at this point. And the guy, spotting a Coral CD, says, "Oh, and put the Coral on, would yer?" as I scrabble around, trying to find some recent gas/electricity bills. Oh, I'm bored of this. I've got things to do. But, hey, you don't expect someone selling gas and electricity to say things like , "Do you do drugs?" and "Is it okay if I smoke in here?" but, hell, it worked for me. It just never ceases to amaze me what these crazy sales people will do. And I really don't care who supplies my gas and electricity, as the price difference (and, yes, I sat down and worked it out) from one company to the next is so neglible that it makes little difference which company supplies the stuff. But, next time, if someone dares say to me, "So you don't mind paying more for your gas and electricity?" then I'll say, "Man, you pay for what you get. This is good electricity, not no cheap sh*t."

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