Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Saturday 15th Mar 2014 22:18:58
When sheep attack!
P3157852.JPGP3157853.JPGP3157854.JPGIn these last three pictures we had this interesting situation of us trying to get past a load of sheep, when a couple of over-protective ewes were thinking that we represented a threat to their lambs. We managed to frighten one of the ewes away, who was momentarily standing its ground but then another appeared to assert its authority - this one was made of sterner stuff and it was quite a sizeable thing as well. I kind of waved my arms around, made menacing noises but it stood its ground. When it started lurching towards me I was hoping that we, as a family, could remain as a single solid unit but M**** and the boys scarpered. I had my stick in hand and was vaguely thinking about whacking it on the side of its head but as I gradually retreated towards M**** and the boys, the ewe thought better of it and kind of stopped there, just staring at me but definitely not backing off. It was a kinda odd moment because I wasn't entirely sure what I would have done had it charged at me . . . probably run and hope for the best. I think in the past, when this has happened, the ewe just wants the threat away from its lambs and once the threat has gone, it will return to its progeny . . . I dunno if that's always the case though. Fun times. though. It introduced an unexpected burst of excitement / adrenaline to our day.

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