Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Saturday 27th Oct 2012 21:43:10
Cycling in Grizedale
20121027_115756.jpgSo yeah . . . hello? M**** and R****** have gone to Cheltenham, to visit Pop and Cathy. A****** and I have lunch at The Swan . . . this is the hot chocolate that A****** had to tackle for desserts.
PA274372.JPGPA274373.JPGPA274374.JPGPA274375.JPGPA274376.JPGAfter lunch . . . off for a cycle at Grizedale. I brought my own bike and we hired one for A******. As you can see, we were blessed with glorious (if a little cold) weather. A****** was kind of enjoying it . . . at first . . . and even though we did the easiest route, there were still hills to deal with and A****** wasn't too happy about those. Maybe it's just practice . . . I dunno. Well, I loved it anyway and I guess A****** liked the flat bits. Crazy, really . . . he had been going on and on and on about cycling in Grizedale for . . . like, ages. Perhaps reality doesn't always live up to expectations.

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