Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Saturday 14th Apr 2012 19:05:21
Woodland for sale
Where are we? Somewhere near Newby Bridge, looking at a plot of land for sale. A plot of land that comes (we assume) with a LOT of caveats. I don't know what we were doing here. Maybe we were just being nosey. I don't know. Anyway, look at the views! So you could own this plot of land on which you could . . . erm . . . not really do much . . . tend the trees, I guess. Build a little shed to store your tools, subject to a load of conditions. You can camp here . . . occasionally, light fires, run around your own land naked . . . paint the trees pink . . . or blue . . . or not, depending upon the terms of the covenant. And, erm . . . well, yeah. So that's about it really.

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