Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Saturday 15th Aug 2009 23:58:30
A new word learnt - velocipede
img_2111.jpg So . . . nothing much happened today. I reattached the bathroom door (it had previously been in the garage, being re-painted) and loads of tidying up and general de-cluttering was done. Late in the afternoon, a quick walk around Arnside. A couple of Freecyclers turned up in the evening to take away more of our rubbish. And then, at some point, I spotted this strange message lying on our doormat, having been hand-delivered to our house. I've obscured the name of the sender but nowadays every man and his dog seems to be on some wretched 'social' network, be it Facebook, Myspace or something else . . . god knows. So I guess I only partially obscured their identity. Ah well, not to worry. The thing is, though, we read the message and were both like, "What disturbance?" You see, when a party gets out of hand with people turning up that you don't know, then . . . well, that conjures up images of hundreds of drunk teenagers fighting in the street, urinating in your garden, shouting, swearing and vomitting until sun-rise or whenever the drink/drugs run out, whichever comes first. Perhaps that did happen but, nonetheless, we slept through it all. But then, perhaps (and far more likely) nothing of the sort happened but then why the note? It's all very strange but kind of sweet, in a way. M**** and I would like to reassure the writer of this missive, "Hey. It's cool. We weren't disturbed, nor were our children. Don't worry about it."

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