Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Friday 27th Feb 2009 22:11:28
The tank landing ship departed Southampton during the late afternoon of 5 June 1944 in a convoy bound for Baie de la Seine
mvi_9769.thmI can't exactly remember when it was . . . I think I had come back from Australia (the second time) and had some change left from the holiday. This would have been . . . erm . . .Rob? Was it 2003? So I thought, "Yes, I will buy myself a Scalextric set. I've wanted one of those for ages." Me and Tom had many hours of fun with that Scalextric set and, currently, it's in A******'s room (just a basic figure-of-eight track design for now, with a chicane and two cross-overs). But back then, I spoke to Tom about the possibility of mounting some kind of wireless camera thingy on one of the Scalextric cars. img_9781.jpgToday I partly (very partly) realised this. With A****** climbing on my back (I've no idea what he was playing at) and R****** trying to eat anything resembling Lego, I managed to construct a kind of trailer made out of Lego for my camera. This, of course, was then attached (by a length of string) to one of the Scalextric cars. Unfortunately, my camera is a bit too heavy and my Scalextric car barely managed a half-lap around the track before disaster set it. This is the closest I could find on Youtube. What's A****** doing in the reindeer gear? Well . . . I'm not sure. That stuff was just there on the floor so he decided to dress himself up. Passes the time, I guess.

Comments received:

  • Name: Rob
  • IP address:
  • URL:
  • Date/time: Monday 2nd March 2009 22:39:50
  • Comment: Why does your website not accept my comments, eh? If this carries on I shall be withdrawing my support and will expect a full refund.
  • Name: Rob
  • IP address:
  • URL:
  • Date/time: Thursday 5th March 2009 11:14:29
  • Comment: Hello, me again. Yes it was 2003 when we went to Australia and A****** was just a cheeky glint in your eye to come. Happy memories eh? You can find out more by visiting the link above. I'm surprised that you hadn't already checked it.
  • Name: jonath
  • IP address:
  • Date/time: Tuesday 10th March 2009 21:31:04
  • Comment: Sorry - it's taken me a while to respond to these comments. From experience, my web-site does accept comments, all comments. However, occasionally the 5-letter security code thingy may look a bit ambiguous, so maybe that was the problem . . . I dunno. Of course, I then have to approve the comment, but all yours would get approved. I think I'm basically saying, "Hmmmm, that's odd. I'm not sure." That Creative Grooming web-site was truely hideous - thanks. You've reminded me - I still have many pictures from Australia yet to upload. Well, it was only four and a half years ago.

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