Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Tuesday 23rd September 2003

So . . . yes, that's right. I'm trying to get some work done here, but I keep getting distracted (well, yes, okay, so maybe I mean, "I keep distracting myself") by this intriguing chat-bot at The web-site is currently a bit overloaded, and this may be partly due to the news article that appeared on the BBC web-site recently: But I warn you - despite the two minute wait for responses, this damn thing is addictive. Also, bear in mind that the chat-bot learns from you and has indeed been learning from many, many people, by the looks of things. I keep having to hit the 'Correct me' button, as the poor thing is full of bad grammar, spelling mistakes and things that just don't make sense. Right, back to work.

Hmmmmm . . . looks like you should take up that offer of a 'Premium account' after all: