Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Friday 1st August 2003

Why the hell's my USB mouse not working?

What the hell is wrong with Linux?

I try (and fail) to install a new video card, put the old one back in and now only one of my mice is working. What?!

And then someone in a car tried to kill me on the way back from work. There I was, cycling along, minding my own business. Then, as usual, two lanes became three, but as the dotted line to the left veered out into the middle of the road, I follow said line, as one would. Highway code, and all that. Meanwhile, the guy (in a car) behind, simply follows the left hand curb, thereby completely ignoring the new lane markings, effectively turning left without due care and attention (i.e. no signals, no observing of other road users, et cetera). But there's me, sticking to my lane, getting beeped at by this guy. The guy undertook me on the lane to my left and I only had about a quarter of a second to try to register surprise, annoyance, anger, bewilderment, confusion. I didn't say anything, but tried to do some kind of rude hand gesture combined with a kind of hand-raising-shrug thing. I think in the end I just kind of raised my index finger and looked a bit hurt. Raised index finger . . . what the hell's that about?! The guy kind of muttered expletives to himself, kept driving, and did something with his right hand out of the window, although his hand gesture seemed equally mixed up . . . more a wave than anything. How strange.

Something stirs . . .