Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Tuesday 2nd April 2024


Wednesday 3rd April 2024

Poulton's Park

Thursday 4th April 2024


Friday 5th April 2024

It is far more difficult to produce a fermionic superfluid than a bosonic one
I feel some explanation is required here. After a quick pit-stop at this intriguing café on the outskirts of Winchester, we headed for a walk around Farley Mount, followed by lunch at the Plough Inn, Sparsholt. During a little break on our walk, we took a few pictures with us sat on a bench. M**** was trying to explain or demonstrate (or both) to Bethany the process around 'photobombing', hoping that Bethany might be able to photobomb a picture of us lot. As you can tell, it didn't really work out, but never mind.
I'm not entirely sure what's going on in these five photographs above. There were taken on my phone and I've dumped these photos several months after the event. Why are the boys dressed like this? Why did they suddenly emerge at 22:50?

Tuesday 16th April 2024

Evening stroll
IMG20240416194031.jpgIMG20240416194037.jpgIMG20240416194101.jpgM**** and I had gone for a walk in the evening, after dinner. Or was it before dinner? Doesn't matter. Anyway, the walk was around Higher Lane, behind the back of Wyresdale Park. The light looked amazing and I was a bit annyoned I didn't have my proper camera with me, so had to resort to the mobile phone. It kind of hampers the sponaneity a bit, when you have to grab your ruck-sack from upstairs, making sure the camera is packed.

Sunday 21st April 2024

Catshaw / Hayshaw Fell

Tuesday 23rd April 2024

This was a recommendation from M****'s brother, Simon. Osmo TopOil (Clear, Matt). Seems to have worked out well on this coffee table. Previously we had tried various waxes, but none of them provided a decent level of protection from water spills. Plus we didn't want a varnish, as we didn't really want the shiny finish. I gave the table a thorough sand down, cleaned it up with white spirit and then applied two layers of this stuff. All sorted.

Saturday 27th April 2024

The Lakes Distillery
Today we had a tour and 'sampling' at the Lakes Distillery. Afterwards, lunch at the bistro / restaurant thingy. All very good. On the way back, we popped into Keswick for a quick walk.

Sunday 28th April 2024

Warton Crag
Looks like Warton Crag to me. I'm assuming R****** was revising at the time.