Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Sunday 3rd December 2023

Warton Crag
Not entirely sure what M**** was up to, but in the pursuit of getting a bit of fresh air and all, R****** and I went for a quick walk this afternoon. We didn't think the Lake District would be a great idea - a bit too far away, given the time available, and the roads may have been affected by ice and snow. So we went for Warton Crag instead. Hopefully this isn't the last of the snow we see this winter . . .

Friday 15th December 2023

Metal-rich borides, as a group, are inert and have high melting temperature

Monday 25th December 2023


Tuesday 26th December 2023

Box, boxes, boxen?!

Thursday 28th December 2023


Sunday 31st December 2023

based upon molecular dynamics or microcanonical ensemble algorithms
I wouldn't normally take pictures of food . . . would I?! Do I?! I don't think so. Do I?! No, of course not. Anyway, a lot of work had gone into this food preparation, including M****'s amazing tray-based platter, so I kind of wanted to capture that some how. So that was that. We had friends around and it was the usual thing at midnight, watching Big Ben, the fireworks, and all that . . . and then a few drinks and then bed time, once 2024 had been 'welcomed in', whatever the hell that means.