Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Tuesday 9th September 2003

Didn't really have a chance to write anything yesterday. Get home from work (a bit later than usual, having gone to Waterstone's with M**** to choose a travel book about Dublin . . . I think I'm going there) and then I was again trying to make this computer . . . get this computer into some kind of fit state so that I can get my university work done. I have a 30-day license to use VMWare before I have to pay them some money, but that should be enough.

Somehow, I managed to install Red Hat 9 on my new 60GB drive, whilst leaving the old 20GB one completely intact, or so it would seem. Yesterday evening, whilst setting up KMail, making dinner for M**** and Tania, trying to find a VMWare license, I also managed to mount the 20GB hard-drive and thence shift a load of stuff from one drive to the other. Eventually, both of them will use ext3. It's hard to believe it's actually working properly for once . . . well, there's always a but. My sound card has been detected and does work but for some odd reason, I cannot play mp3's.

Oh, and I saw Mars last night. It was a very clear night and, after the Moon, was the brightest object in the sky. It was a kind of light pinky/orangey colour. Oh well, I've seen it now. That's that box ticked.