Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Saturday 25th April 2009

Binocuments, lost and found and a yellow Thomas the Tank Engine
img_0470.jpgimg_0471.jpgimg_0474.jpg Today was an interesting day. During the morning, we went for a 'challenging' walk around Clougha. R****** was in the back-carrier thing throughout, and fell asleep after about half an hour. I say challenging as there were sections of this walk clearly meant for light-footed ovine animals and not 13-stone (give or take) humans, carrying a 10-month old child on their back. And by implication, A****** had problems walking some of these sections, so I had to carry him too. Hmmmmm. During one of those 'we have gone too far to go back' moments, having passed a kissing-gate, I realised my binoculars had gone and so told A****** to stay by the gate as I began looking for them. Couldn't find 'em anywhere, and so pretty much wrote them off. Let the hills have 'em, what the hell. Then A****** chirped up, "Daddy, I've found your binocuments," and at first I was wondering what on earth are 'binocuments' but not for long. A******, bless him, had found my binoculars. So, as R****** slept on, we followed a dry stone wall up to the top of 'Windy Clough' (I think so named because we were able to completely forget about the wind, what of it, until we got back to the top of the valley) and headed back down to the main path, and thence to the car-park.
img_0482.jpgAfter lunch, we played around in the garden for a while, then went inside when it got cold, playing dominoes, the magnetic fishing game, the ladybirds game, 'King of the Castle' and pretty much whatever games A****** wanted to play whilst R****** sat/stood in his play-pen, either watching with amusement or else playing with his own toys. A pretty relaxing afternoon, all in all. But then A****** kept going on about painting Thomas yellow. He had been making references to this most of the day, now that I think about it, but I had just ignored him or else not understood. It was only later on in the afternoon, as A****** had tidied away the dominoes that the insistence set in, "Daddy, I need to paint Thomas yellow now," and so I let him. Helped him, even. I think that was the fulfilment of something for A******, I guess. Who knows? Thomas painted, we had dinner, then it was bath time, then story time then bed time. Simple things.