Tuesday 15th July 2003
I've just e-mailed someone from the Bellerophon Drum & Bugle Band . . . but I have
no idea why . . . and I just ended up telling the poor recipient all about Napolean and the steam train and the Chimaera and the
collective. But didn't quite have the heart to mention the music . . .
Wow . . . I didn't realise there was so much stuff written about this so-called, imminent
pole shift.
I love this kind of stuff.
My advice - get a magnetic compass (as oppose to . . . ?).
Since 30th May, due north has budged no more than one degree (according
to my compass anyway). Which is more of a twitch than a shift. But hey . . .
As usual, incapable of original thought, I turn to another quotation, this time a Chinese proverb:
Old Horse Knows the Way.
sh*t, wrong one. I meant:
If we don't change course, we may end up where we are heading.
Where the frig do they all come from, and if we keep changing course, who the hell's driving?
www.bilderberg.org - once again - "What the hell?!" www.mj12.com. This is interesting. To quote:
". . . we appreciate that recent events have made our existence and mission of increasing importance to the general public."
If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: Belief and knowledge are not the same. Know but don't believe a word of it.