Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Saturday 20th Sep 2003

But she was still ingesting, inside her large intestine. (Robyn Hitchcock)

"Systems . . . on-line. Jay, can you . . . "
"Already there."
" . . and air loss down to . . . "
"Sir, I'm getting a reading."
". . . ten parts per . . . "
"Sir, this place is, erm . . . "
"Ambient temperature?"
"43 degrees fahrenheit, and rising."
"Okay. We need to check the . . . . can someone turn that . . . what causes it?"
". . . we're entering the . . . "
"Well, it's very important . . . what to do . . . "
"No, afterwards . . . ignore Joseph . . . nothing to do with witchcraft."
"Sir, we're losing it."
"We're still getting this?"
"It's all we can get."
"Frig sake. I don't want to hear about pads of trapped tissue."
"Perihelion in nine minus . . . "
"Hey, you know, you really should be looking at your diet."
"34 degrees fahrenheit."
"It won't improve your . . . ."
"Sir . . . two metres now."
"What?! You're just giving me meaningless numbers and measurements."
"Some of it's useful."
"Well, okay, so how about just providing me with . . . Christ, what the hell was that?"
"That was Carter, sir. I guess the shields are working then."
"What?! When the hell did that happen? And why wasn't I told?"

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