Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Thursday 27th Mar 2008 20:40:36
Holker Hall
img_5781.jpgimg_5784.jpgimg_5787.jpgimg_5789.jpg Today we went for a day out at Holker Hall, seeing as how the weather looked kind of okay in that direction. The day was split up into a number of sections. When we first arrived there, spotting a bizarre sign that pretty much stated "No eating/picnics permitted anywhere in the gardens/park", we resolved to return shortly to the car park (and the picnic benches) following a brief stroll around part of the gardens. So, just time to check out a statue of Neptune and a fountain thing . . .
img_5803.jpgimg_5802.jpgimg_5795.jpgimg_5792.jpg . . . before going back to the car park and the picnic benches (note to Holker Hall staff: people don't really want to eat their lunches in a car park and would far rather use one of the many benches you have throughout the gardens. Stupid, stupid, stupid).
img_5807.jpgimg_5810.jpgimg_5811.jpgimg_5813.jpg So then one of the first things we went to see was this labyrinth thingy and a slate sundial nearby. The picture of the sundial was taken at 13:58 and, considering that the correction for this time of year is +18 minutes (see picture), I'd say that's pretty acurate.
img_5823.jpgimg_5821.jpgimg_5815.jpgimg_5814.jpg And then this huge lime tree was supposedly planted in the early 17th century and had some kind of commemorative plaque, marking it out as one of the UK's 50 greatest trees or something.

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