Tuesday 8th Jul 2003
Currently listening to Kronos
Quartet - Early Music . . . . hmmmmm, gorgeous.
Hmmmm . . . it's called Streetpaper, and even has a web-site, but I don't
have time to look at this right now. Yesterday, I neglected to source that statistic - it was from Facts from Future
Foundation, so it must be true. Of course, when you read something like '80% of us . . .', what this actually
means is '80% of those polled in our survey . . . '. This should be obvious. But here's another one, from the same
foundation: 80 per cent expect to hear bad language in public places but only 2 per cent are happy about
it. So next time you're sat in a public park, minding your own business, there's a strong probability that you
will hear 'bad language'. You have been warned.
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