Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Friday 29th Sep 2006
Don't think there's much news at the moment. Just boring stuff: been sealing one of our worktops using some kind of worktop oil stuff. We paid Ikea to do this, yet they couldn't be bothered and just pocketed the money. More varnishing in the living room . . . thought I would sand down the rough varnish and apply another coat, which made it all lovely and smooth. New motherboard and CPU installed in existing PC. All working fine except for USB mouse and keyboard (and yet the USB card reader is fine, whatever USB port I use), so that's a bit weird. I think it's some issue at the operating system level, as the keyboard works up until the point where I select which kernel to boot up with. Next stage is to install two 250GB hard drives running under RAID 1 and copy all existing data onto those. So yeah . . . erm . . . can't think of anything else.

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