Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Friday 23rd Jul 2004

When you laugh, the world laughs with you. Weep, and you weep alone.

Me again. Currently watching bits of 'Oldboy', whenever it is I get the chance. I'm now 27 minutes into it. I'm not sure where you would ordinarily obtain this film. I think it's Korean but hasn't yet been exported to the UK. I might be wrong. Anyway, M****'s brother Simon recommended something called Azureus as a means of trading data using this Bit Torrent thing that everyone seems to be going on about these days. The link given just then relates to the Linux installation of this software, but the application (client), being Java-based, should work on any platform with an up-to-date version of Java installed. There's links there on how to get the Windows version and the Mac OS X version installed. So that's what I did. I had to update Java but, hey . . . it's not difficult. Oh and, er . . . I had to poke a hole in my Firewall as port 6881 is the preferred route for this software but, erm . . . yeah, I can live with that. And, erm . . . using something like Suprnova, you do a search for whatever it is you're looking for, download this freaky .torrent file, open this in your recently installed Azureus thingy and then wait . . . few hours later, you've downloaded 700MB of data, and may have also uploaded something during that time. Crazy. So, Rav recommended Oldboy and, having watched 27 minutes, I think I'd like to see it properly now . . . like on a cinema or from a television . . . a DVD, you know? So, Amazon sell it, but it's 33.95 US dollars, which works out at almost 19 UK pounds, and that's not including deliver. Hmmmmmm. Oh, eBay . . . of course.

Oh, and other news . . . looks like you won't be able to buy this little trickster in your local market for much longer. Stock up while you can, or else wait until Autumn. Otherwise . . . well, I'm still trying to implement a database to keep a track of activity for this web-site. You know, hits per hour/day/month/year, most downloaded picture, all that kinda stuff. I've got the database working and everything, and have analysed several megabytes of log files, but I just need to now stuff the database with all this data and change index.php to update the database every time something happens. Then I guess I need some interface to query the database . . . blah, blah, blah. It's just a matter of having the time and inclination to do all this. Next university assignment due 4th August.

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