Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Thursday 25th Jul 2013 22:30:27
So yeah . . . today we made a small money error. We drove all the way to Rendlesham, through villages, past service stations, supermarkets . . . blah, blah, blah. Actually, it wasn't far . . . perhaps 40 minutes. So yeah . . . we got there and realised we hardly had any cash about us. Parking for the day was £3.30. We managed to scrimp and scrape (?!) change from around the car and make up about that much but a lot of it in copper-based coinage . . . 1p's and 2p's. Ticket machine didn't like those coins. Don't blame it. I noted a sign on the ticket machine, "Don't expect the bike hire shop to provide change for parking tickets," so headed to the bike hire shop, my hand full of change. I did my happiest, cheeriest face, all full of sorry this and sorry that and I-don't-suppose and if-it's-not-too-much-trouble . . . all of that . . . but the guy (an angry man in his late teens, early twenties) was like, "Erm . . . you'll best be going to the Forest Commission booth up there by the entrance," so I was like, "Okey dokey. Thank you very much." The lady at the entrance booth was lovely, providing change and full of sympathy. I went back to get a map of walks and she was like, "So that'll be £1 then," with a sly smile on her face (completely missed by me) and after she had explained the walks, I handed the guide back and was like, "Well, I think I got those. That's brilliant. Thank you very much," and she was like, "No, no, no, no, no. I was only joking. It's free! Blimey. I should play cards with you one day, see how we do, you know?" and, erm, this sounded like a bad idea, if money was involved - "Erm, I dunno. That might be a bad idea." - but at least she had a sense of humour. So . . . we did the UFO trail, so-called because . . . well, who the hell knows? Someone once saw something in the sky and couldn't identify it? Dunno. The boys seemed happy enough with it all. A****** / R****** took a few pictures of the back of some of the way-markers, although without the obligatory £1.50 UFO quiz-pack none it made any sense. Alpha this, sigma that . . . and is that a tilde? M**** took some pictures of the holiday house . . . sorry for the leap there . . . and the surrounding grounds.

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