Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Monday 4th Apr 2011 23:07:11
Craziness and sleep
. . . but then I couldn't sleep last night, probably because I was thinking about that stupid accident on the motorway. I don't know why I bothered. There were no fatalities and probably it was just a case of the driver falling asleep at the wheel and kind of losing control. He/she probably pulled in to the hard shoulder and called for the AA / RAC. What freaks me out is that I must have been completely lacking in concentration and would have hit the car had I been in the right-hand lane. Why didn't I brake and put the hazard warning lights on? Perhaps pull in myself and check that all was okay? Ah well . . . it was all fine in the end. No harm.

Comments received:

  • Name: rosie
  • IP address:
  • Date/time: Saturday 9th April 2011 22:29:07
  • Comment: I'm glad you are all OK - and can totally see how the circumstances would freak you out and make it hard to sleep for thinking. I hope you feel better about this particular incident soon - but I know some wounds will never heal properly... Lots of love from us all here. xx
  • Name: jonath
  • IP address:
  • Date/time: Tuesday 19th April 2011 23:48:22
  • Comment: Thanks for the kind words, Rosie. I wish I could say something profound and heart-felt at this moment but I keep thinking, "That's a weird IP address," as I'm sure many others are. 2.?!
  • Name: rosie
  • IP address:
  • Date/time: Saturday 23rd April 2011 22:16:26
  • Comment: I'm glad my IP address has proved diverting for you!

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