Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Saturday 25th Dec 2004
So, it's quarter to four in the morning, and Rob and I are trying to make garlic toast. I used to make this a lot a few years ago (ten years ago? 1997? 1998?) when I was still living with my parents. I would just get a load of garlic, cut it up (very, very finely) and then kind of pound it in with a load of butter and olive oil. This would then be spread on a slice of bread and toasted. Mmmmmm. Gorgeous. My mum would complain the smell would wake her up in the middle of the night. Anyway, by this stage, we had had a bit of wine, a bit of beer, some of Lucy's homebrew, some of Lucy's home-made cider, some of Ian's (Lucy's dad) home-made cider, some whisky, some gin . . . so, we were a bit confused, hence the use of the blender. It didn't really work. I think somehow we ended up with garlic toast, but . . . well, my expression in that middle picture might kind of explain how we were feeling. Not good.
This picture was taken at 15:41. I think I was awoken shortly before Christmas lunch was being served up. I have a feeling it was around 12:38, but I really couldn't be sure. I didn't feel too bad, considering. Oh yeah - and it had been snowing, hadn't it? Yeah, I remember. Anyway, this was my parents' nativity scene (to the right there). Some of these characters don't belong, but who are they?
So this first picture was taken at 15:44 and represents my first useless attempt at photographing snow. I was at the top of my parents' house and couldn't even be bothered to open the window or anything. That's pretty bad. It looked cold outside, you see. After dinner, and ritual unwrapping of presents, I headed for James And Hilary's. That second picture was taken at 16:19 and, guess what, I left the flash on. Oooops. Still, you can just about make out the shape of some church in the background . . . silhouetted. And the last one . . . well, that's all blurry. Damn it. Anyway, that's the church on Scotforth Road, opposite the bottom of Palatine Avenue. You know? Opposite the, er . . . some kind of parish hall. So I put the camera away for the rest of the day. Seemed the best plan. The rest of the evening I was with James and Hilary, watching films, playing Scrabble, drinking beer . . . blah, blah, blah.

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