Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Monday 20th Dec 2004

We found something in M****'s womb . . .

So, I must apologise for the appalling quality of this image. I can't get my scanner to work right now. So, instead, I had to photograph the image from the ultrasound print-out. A photograph of a photograph. Well, maybe I could (get the scanner working), but I can't be bothered (recompiling the kernel and all that . . . Linux is great sometimes). Tonight I've just been updating the web-site with recent . . . erm . . . events, I guess. I think this qualifies as the image of the youngest ever person on my web-site. And if you're looking at this, thinking, "Eh? What the frig? Which grainy bit of this photo is what? I don't get it. I can't see anything," then . . . well, the head's to the left of the picture, if that helps. And that there to the right, is a strange image we found in the same picture, to the lower right-hand corner (I've had to rotate it slightly). If you click on the image to the left, you might be able to make it out . . . maybe. I think it's some kind of mask but the mouth's completely askew. Askew? Lopsided.

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