Saturday 7th September 2013
Wood burner in!
  Gosh, well . . . I really don't know how this happened, but one moment there's a wood burner just kind of hanging around on the front room floor, next minute it's on the hearth, all 'plumbed' in to the various pipes and stuff. I have no idea how this happened. Complete memory blank. I do recall we had a rather large stove pipe, so someone would have had to cut that down to size before sticking onto the wood-burner. They would have needed a decent angle-grinder for that. Also, I seem to recall the chimney liner was also way too long. Likewise, that would have needed trimming down to size. I would imagine a closure plate would have been needed . . . 1.5mm (although 2mm would be better) thickness galvanised steel, perhaps spray painted in the same black stove paint that I recently used to 'freshen' up the wood-burner. And I'm pretty sure that all those pipes and the burner itself would have needed connecting using some black fire cement. Whoever installed the stove seems to have done okay, maintaining the 10cm minimum clearance from the back wall. Later that day, I got burning me some logs and the house didn't fill up with smoke; it all went out the chimney. I'm just baffled by how it all happened.