Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Sunday 26th September 2004

I had been intending to visit Rob the previous day but, as it turned out, today was the day M**** and I made our way to Sheffield. To give you a bit of background, Rob was recently diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia, and was due to enter hospital today (for a period of five to six weeks), so this was my last chance to see him before all the chemotherapy would begin. It was incredible how positive he seemed despite what lay ahead, but I guess that's the kind of guy Rob is. When M**** and I turned up, there were quite a few people there. I recognised all but Helen's sister, Jane . . . I believe. There was also no shortage of presents . . . books, CD's, tapes, a portable CD player, portable tape player . . . loads of stuff. So yeah . . . certainly won't get bored in hospital . . . shame there's no internet access . . . or is there? M**** and I got back to Leeds . . . well, I don't know . . . around 7pm, I guess. Went to Scarbrough Taps for a few drinks. M**** got in touch with Liz and we went to Cuban Heels (again), but this time for dinner. That last picture is M****'s impression of a kind of, er . . . nouvelle cuisine meal, made using the left overs from our meal.