Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Sunday 5th August 2007

img_2978.jpgimg_2976.jpgimg_2973.jpg Today we did go to this weird affair at Lowther park, or near enough. We got there some time between midday and one. Is that vague enough? We kind of wandered around a bit and then settled down for lunch near the 'main arena', where loads of horses were poncing around.
img_2981.jpgimg_2983.jpgimg_2984.jpgimg_2988.jpg Then there was meant to be some kind of parachuting thing going on, weather permitting and all that. I got a bit confused, thinking that the parachutists had some kind of physical disability (it would certainly make it more interesting), but the event was to raise money for a charity concerned with said disability. Anyway, there was a kind of ironic twist in that one of the parachutist (yellow parachute) came down at both a crazy angle and crazy speed, and kind of crashed sickeningly to the ground and never got up again. They had to get out an ambulance. A****** kept saying, "Oh dear, man dead," but it wasn't that bad. The guy announced on the tannoy that all was okay, whatever that means. The other four parachutists kind of gracefully touched down, with no major mishap. Mis-hap? Mishap. Hmmm.
img_2998.jpgimg_2994.jpgimg_2992.jpg Then there was this strange game where this man would put a ferret into this box with eight tunnels radiating outwards. You paid 50p and, if the ferret came out of your tunnel, I guess you won a prize. But who knows? Maybe you won the ferret. Dunno. img_3008.jpg I spotted an air rifle shooting range, so had to have a go. 7 shots for £2. Can't be bad. Didn't do too well, though, as can be seen by the target to the left there (although, given that most of the shots are concentrated just over an inch below the centre, perhaps the sight was out. Yes. That'll be it). I really wanted another go, but we didn't really have time.
img_2999.jpgimg_3002.jpgimg_3003.jpgimg_3007.jpg Then, naturally enough, there was some wresting going on and, erm . . . well, we bought miscellaneous items of food (cheese, chutney, mustards, fudge) from the food market. I probably would have bought more, but I still can't really taste things properly (see previous entry, or just take my word for it, whatever) and . . . is that a reason? Well, maybe it was because A****** was getting tired by that point. Hmmm, anyway. An interesting day. I didn't really feel I had taken many pictures, hence the one of M**** pushing a very sleepy looking A******, on our way back to the car.