Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Friday 29th March 2013

P3295056.JPGP3295057.JPGThere's a few things going on here . . . I'm loving that this clock has some kind of radio-controlled facility to set itself automatically to the correct time. It's showing the same time as my work lap-top, which being Windows, is slightly off by 1.5 seconds (+/- 0.025) . . . so yeah . . . wall clock shows the same time as I'm thinking in this day and age, clocks really have no excuse any more, for being out-of-sync. In the other picture, I've just hung up a birthday present from Jo that she bought me a long, long time ago; I think it's known as a 'rainbow catcher'. I'm not sure if M**** will appreciate the, er . . . placement of said rainbow catcher (I've used a drawing pin to pin it the top of the window frame thing), but we'll see . . .

A day out in Mallerstang
This morning we set out in a kind of Mallerstang way (Outhgill, to be slightly more accurate), to visit Anna, Justin and co. There was a lot of playing around in the snow as the boys hadn't really had a chance to do much of that this winter . . . and who doesn't enjoy sledging and snowball fights? So yeah . . . snow, sledging, then lunch, then more of the same, followed by a walk. Then, before we knew it, it was like five o'clock and we had to head back.