Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Wednesday 15th March 2006

Why don't people leave comments any more? Has the novelty worn off? Maybe if I said something like . . . (M**** wouldn't let me write what I had intended to write here . . . perhaps something cryptic involving the need for a larger house) I might get the odd one or two, but probably not. But, yeah . . . we had this induction today at work. At one point, a lady had been talking to us about disabilities . . . then we were split up into three groups: one group was visually impaired, one was hearing impaired (my group) and the other was mentally impaired (?!). Then Einstein's famous equation relating mass and energy was displayed onto the screen, but we all had to remember our various disabilities. There was a bit of confusion at this point, and someone in my group was going, "What?! I can't hear you!" to the speaker, but I'm not sure how he knew that the speaker was asking him anything. Eye contact? Maybe? Anyway, I couldn't work out when the role play was supposed to end (maybe it hasn't yet) and so when the speaker was asking if there was anyone around to explain the equation I didn't know what to do . . . perhaps that was why no-one else spoke up. I really wanted to explain how energy and mass are one of the same (the constant term is just a conversion factor) but, more importantly, energy and time are one of the same, and why this is so. I suspect everyone was thinking the same but the mentally impaired people were too confused/agitated/crazy to say anything, the blind people . . . well, I don't know what was their problem . . . because they probably heard enough to know what was going on . . . I don't know what their excuse was. I mean, someone says, "Einstein's famous equation" and what do you think of? It's not like you need to see the equation written down. But yeah . . . oh, I think it's bed time.