Friday 15th December 2006
Something odd is definitely going on here . . . my web-site keeps
getting accessed by the strange web bot thingies. Several thousand hits
in the space of a few days. That can't be right. It makes it very
difficult to spot the one or two genuine hits.
That first paragraph was probably written in the early hours of this morning. Later on, this being M****'s birthday, we went out for lunch to a pub in Grange, or near enough . . . somewhere around there. The pictures of A****** with the crayons are significant - he actually sat there with his crayons, perfectly happy, for about an hour. Then Mark had to collect his car from this BMW/Mini dealership. We left Mark there and went home. Me, M****, Liz, Antony, Helen and Stu went out for dinner at the Golden Dragon that night (no pictures) and then had a few drinks at the Penny Bank.