Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Saturday 15th November 2014

Stars, Orion and da moooooooooooon

I can't believe it - they're moving the goal posts again
IMG_20141115_110146.jpgSee, this is what annoys me about Twitter . . . and maybe I'm being hopelessly egotistical here, but here we go: the vast amount of time that I'm Tweeting, it's just rubbish, of no real relevance. And yet occasionally, there's something important. So . . . here's an example (see picture to the right and blog title). And I tweet this and I get one favourite (thanks, Pete!), which is nice but I'm thinking, "Surely this deserves more, doesn't it?!" And deep down I know this: if I'm ever there at the downfall of a government / society / civilisation . . . taking pictures, tweeting, etc. . . . the same will happen. I have had retweets but for the most strangest things. What are the rules?!

Nicky Nook