Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Wednesday 19th January 2005

Oh, nothing much, nothing much. Just ordered loads of stuff from Tesco . . . it turned up today. Unpacking the food . . . apples, bananas, sausages, pizzas, beer, fruit juice, tomatoes . . . blah-di-blah, all fine and lovely. But, wait . . . something's not here . . . chocolate . . . oh my god . . . WHERE'S THE CHOCOLATE?! AARRRGHHHH! THEY FORGOT THE CHOCOLATE!! Oh, and according to Sam's Celebrity Death Bingo, Thoth is alive!! Cool. Maybe he is immortal after all. Anyway . . . so, yeah . . . in distress, I rang 'em up, got through to Subramdniam, explained the situation and, a few minutes after the phone call, an e-mail from him to the effect that the money will be reimbursed, credited to my account . . . and it's all my word against Tesco's, I guess. So, like I say, nothing much going on right now, if that's all I have to write about. No more weird dreams . . . just standard, boring stuff about mixing up strange coloured rocks and minerals in some kind of chemistry class. Boring.