Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Thursday 13th January 2005

Nope . . . nothing to report. Woke myself up screaming again last night, much to M****'s annoyance, I'm sure. I had been cycling along a road that would apparently take me to ********* Hall, but it was far too mountainous and completely water-logged . . . after a while, it became obvious that my path was blocked by a river/lake/thing. So, I'm thinking, "Fine, I'll go back then," when I noticed an odd shape floating along the river. At first I thought it was some kind of large, cooked boar or maybe a large pig . . . it was definitely some kind of cooked, whole animal. But, no, that would be much too simple. It was human. So, yes . . . a large, cooked human (I think without head) floating along the river there. Nice. So I start screaming, and the dream ends.