Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Monday 7th July 2008

Damn the gods - another day spoilt by rain
img_6758.jpgimg_6760.jpgimg_6763.jpg I had today off work. However, the weather was once again against us (well, many others as well). We went for a drive to Silverdale and got into the café just as the rain started. We had planned to go for a walk, but that wouldn't have been such a good idea. Back home then. Damn it. In the late part of the evening, R****** accepted his first bottle (the previous attempt didn't really work out), which may lead to a few more hours of sleep during the night. Who knows? Other thing is, of course, if they don't get used to bottles at an early age, then they may never. R******'s still waking up at odd times during the night and M**** really needs more sleep (I have the ear plugs in during the best part of the week).