Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Sunday 30th March 2008

Ingleton waterfalls
img_5891.jpgimg_5893.jpgimg_5895.jpg Today we had a trip out to Ingleton. Oh look, there's a log with a load of coins hammered (?!) into it. I don't understand how these things happen. Did one person do this or many? And when? And why? Hello? The other picture is M**** and A****** at a picnic bench, just before we started the walk.
img_5909.jpgimg_5906.jpgimg_5902.jpgimg_5897.jpg More pictures from today's walk. Incidentally, the entrance fee for this place was £4.50 each (A****** went free), which is part of the reason why neither M**** nor myself had been here before.