Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Monday 27th December 2004

so continued from the previous day . . . the picture with the dice in was taken at eleven minutes past midnight and the other one two minutes before that. Looks like we were playing Yahtzee. I think Yahtzee went on for a while. Eventually most of us got bored of it, seeing no end in sight and went to bed. I think Stu was declared the winner as he was the one with the scoresheet but also had loads of points, but I think it was a close run thing with Simon.
13:44, 13:50, 13:52. We had a small breakfast and then went for a walk . . . me, M**** and Simon. We were following a path along the Lune, heading for the Crook O'Lune, I believe. However, the bridge you see photgraphed here . . . well, that was closed and that would have taken us in a direct line to the Crook O'Lune so instead we had . . . erm . . . I guess we just followed the Lune for a bit longer, looking for the next bridge. Simon kept going on about Gray's Seat, which we was gradually leading us towards.
14:05. So this is the view from Gray's Seat. You should be able to make out the Lune snaking around the countryside there. Shame it was a bit cloudy. Ah well. Those pictures to the right were taken around ten past two. I assume the curved bench is Gray's Seat, but I don't know. Could be anything. Then there's some trees. I think I lost the battery cover to my mobile phone somewhere up here. I had the thing on vibrate and had completely forgotten about it, as you do. Then I noticed this strange vibration coming from my coat and I'm wondering what the frig is going on. Turns out it was Sam, checking whether M**** and I would be able to make it up to Bolton for Sam's birthday party.
oh, and these are some more pictures . . . some rocks with stuff engraved on them, perhaps it was a line of text by, erm . . . William/Thomas/whatever Gray. That would seem to make sense, you know? And then, erm . . . Simon took a cute little picture of a stone wall, using the macro lens. Seemed to come out very colourful, somehow. Hmmmm. And then a tree. I took that picture. Some of the clouds had cleared, and you can just about make out some blue there, so that's good.
left to right, these ones were taken at 14:18, 15:51, 15:52 and 15:52 (again). More tree shapes, but less cloud this time. Then the other three . . . well, it would a pretty good view, with a bit more light, bit less cloud, but hey . . . I tried overexposing (as you can probably tell), but it didn't really help all that much. So, after that, we were getting peckish, but had to decide where to go . . . eventually opting for, er . . . was it the Ship Inn? Yes, the Ship Inn, just on the edge of Brookhouse . . . you go past it on the way to Leeds from Lancaster, going the back way, along the A653. Anyway . . .
18:58 and 18:54 (left to right, blah blah blah). And after dinner, back to Halton and M****'s mum's house. Simon and I were messing around with the camera and television for a while, but you can never take pictures of video feedback when you turn the camera onto the television screen, so that was a problem. Instead, I was trying to demonstrate the freaky green rectangles that appear when you try to take a picture sometimes and the camera gets all confused about what to focus on, hence my hand being there, you see.