Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Thursday 23rd December 2004

Hello. Jonathan here. Not much happened today. Woke up. Had breakfast. Went to town. Came home. Went to Beer Ritz. Came home again. Went to the Royal Mail sorting office. Collected a parcel. Came home yet again. Last night I shifted so-called 'node zero' into the space underneath some stairs in my house. There's some pictures here, but they're not very interesting. No, really, they're not. Note the gorgeous pink carpet. Mmmmmm. So, left to right, we have web-server, on which all this is stored and, erm . . . what's the word? Administered? Managed? Whatever . . . then that thin dark grey box is obviously some kind of hub thing. Then on the right is the DHCP server . . . that thing connects to the internet via the CAT 5 cable connected to the lower down ethernet card which leads to a NTL cable modem which is in a wardrobe somewhere (out of shot) . . . then the other ethernet card acts as a kind of bridge, I guess . . . between the LAN and the WAN (the Internet) . . . when computers want an IP address in my network, they have to go via this network card . . . currently only two machines connected though. As you can see, I've got room for expansion . . . another thirteen machines, but I can't really see that happening . . . somehow. Right. Better finish wrapping things then.