Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Saturday 22nd May 2004

13:31. Oh my god . . . have you any idea how difficult it is trying to get used to a new keyboard layout? This particular layout is known as Dvorak. Easier (that is, less typing) for me to explain by referring to some web-sites, such as . . . this (first result from a quick Google search, but seems pretty comprehensive). But anyway, I'll just have to blunder on for now. I'm sure I'll get used to it. I like the way that all the vowels and common keys are clustered together.
Still 13:31. See, erm . . . I meant to do this ages ago, but I always had loads of university work to do at the time, you see. Anyway . . . the wedding. Now, I was going to go back to Friday evening, as a starting point, when Tania, M**** and myself made the journey, by train, back from Leeds to Lancaster, but then I thought that maybe Thursday evening would be more appropriate, this being when . . .
13:34 and 13:42 (left to right) . . . and of course it was raining loads on Friday night. We went to the Stork in Conder Green, I believe it is . . . I was driving James' car, James terrified in the passenger seat, with my parents in the back. There we met Hilary; Hilary's parents, Ted and Sheila; Hilary's sister, Adrienne; and Hilary's friend, Carol.
13:43. Here's one of Tania and Rob (to the right there). This is up at the, erm, Ashton Memorial, Lancaster, set in Williamson's Park . . . erm, that's the memorial, not Lancaster. 14:19 (left). So, the registrar explained that we weren't to take any photographs during the actual ceremony (or whatever you want to call it), but that there would be an opportunity, afterwards, to take pictures of us re-enacting the important moment. M**** took quite a few of these, but most didn't come out too well; I think because she was using digital zoom. Ah well. Left to right here, we have Adrienne, Hilary, James and me.
14:23 through to 14:37 (to the left there). So here we have various pictures taken after the ceremony, as people made their down the memorial steps for all the photographs. I'm not sure who the guy is in the background in the first picture, but in the second picture from the left you can just make out my uncle Noel to the left of Hilary and there in the background is his wife, Jennifer, then Tony (in the sunglasses) and, facing away from the camera, is my aunt Leslie (married to Tony). And then, erm . . . lots of people walking down steps.
14:39. I think M**** took this one (first left). Here be my parents and a friend of theirs, Petrina. Then, erm, a couple of pictures of me, Rob and Tania. Not sure what we were looking at here . . . but I think my nephews/nieces were playing around down by the fountain, below us. You know, I completely forgot to mention James' breakfast this morning, consisting as it did of a bowl of muesli, a mug of coffee and a couple of cans of beer. Or was it the one can? Whatever.
14:41, 14:42 and 14:46 (left to right). M**** waving, behind the fountain.
14:50. And that, to the right there, is one of my favourite pictures from today. I think if I were to print and frame any of these, it would be that one. There seems to be lots of stuff going on in this picture and I like the curves and angles that the steps make.
14:51/52. First two pictures are of James and Hilary with my elder sister's two daughters, Isabelle and Jessica. Then in the last picture, the back of my other sister's son, Jake.
14:53/54. I like the first (from the left) picture here - everyone seems to be doing their own thing . . . it's like that Sesame Street song.
14:55. Spot the freak. There seems to be quite a few pictures like this, you may have noticed. So, erm . . . left to right, we have me, Jo, Adrienne, Jessica (niece), mum, Jake, Jessica (sister), James, Hilary, Ted, Sheila, dad and Isabelle.
15:01/04. So . . . yeah. I've tried here to delete all the dull pictures but it's still essentially people on steps. I like Hilary's expression in the middle picture here.
15:20. And here we have James and Hilary in the Rolls Royce that was to transport them to the King's Arms Hotel for the reception. The rest of us piled into a vintage bus, cared for and maintained by my dad and fellow bus enthusiasts. The Rolls Royce must have taken James and Hilary from the bottom of the monument up to the top again, at least that would explain the sequence here. The next photo (15:22) is the beginning of a sequence of confetti shots, as people manoeuvred themselves around to take account of the wind.
The first picture on the left (15:26) features the official photographer, John, and I think the woman on the far right was the car driver. The champagne was just for the bride and groom. The next picture along (15:30) is the inside of the bus . . . erm . . . this was M****'s idea. That's my dad up at the front, talking to the bus driver, Dave. Rob and Tarn were sat at the back, behind M**** and I. That's them there, to the right.
And then we fast forward to 17:02, to the main, erm . . . room (?!) of the King's Arms Hotel. This is where the food was served, the speeches were made and then, later on, the . . . erm disco (?!?!) was held. I really don't know what else to call it. Anyway, that's me, just about visible to the left of that large window at the back. I was probably worrying over my speech, if it can be called that. I was my brother's best man, you see.
Bit of a gap now . . . the first picture on the left was taken at 19:09 and the other one (the first dance) at 21:04. Well, erm, I don't think these pictures need much explanation . . . do they? There are a couple of .avi files that go with this second picture (this and this) but I don't M****'s quite mastered that feature yet.
21:06. The picture to the right there . . . left to right, we have H (brother-in-law), the back of Hilly/Jamie/Guy(?!), Drew and Jo.
And then (21:49), things started to get blurry. Maybe I was trying to conserve the twindling battery life, maybe I was trying to avoid the visual instrusion that is the flash (which meant increasing the exposure time), maybe I was trying to convey . . . movement, or maybe I was just drunk . . . maybe a combination of these things. Anyway, the blur to the left of the first two pictures here is M****.
From left to right: 22:28, 23:27, 23:39. So, erm, the first picture, I almost deleted, but then I quite liked the blurry shape in the bottom left of the picture . . . god knows who they are. Middle picture . . . well, this is the traditional sibling picture . . . the four of us. There should be a few pictures like this, for every 'event' where we were all in attendance, but this is the only one I have in my possession. And, er . . . the guest book . . . I'm not sure why I took a picture of this . . . didn't hurt though.
00:42, 00:42, 00:44. This is around where it ends for M**** and me that night. Sorry. M**** and I. In the first picture, I think M**** was just kinda resting her head on the table, as you do . . . the middle picture, I said, "Smile, M****, you're on the internet!" and true to form, she instantly perked up . . . for a few seconds . . . long enough for the camera. The picture on the right . . . that seemed to be the hard-core group that night . . . they were still there when I went to bed. Clockwise from top left, we have Hilly, Drew, Guy (just visible), James and Nicola. Yes - I managed an in-focus shot. I think this was the last that night.
The rest of the pictures I can't be bothered to deal with . . . they were, according to my camera, taken between 00:45 and 00:46 . . . so here you are . . . more blurry craziness . . . great.