Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Monday 15th November 2004

Oh . . . so their systems are down, and they can't accept new customers until Thursday . . . fine. Oh well, at least I don't get billed until I've successfully registered, and my BT/Pipex connection's still working. Blah, blah, blah. Did I mention all the wallpaper stripping we've (M**** and I) been doing? Yeah, well, that was throughout Saturday and some of Sunday. All the stuff from the living room (erm . . . well, maybe not the baby grand, the piano stool and the sofa, but everything apart from that) was moved up to the first floor bedroom and much wallpaper was removed. There's just a few patches remaining now. Unfortunately (or fortunately?!), this has revealed a bit of damp and some dodgy plastering that will need sorting out. Hmmmmm. Still . . . I think this is the first bit of decorating I've done since I've moved in here. Well, it's more like anti-decorating. I'm removing decoration - wallpaper. Hmmm, yes. So there you go. Just thought I'd keep you informed. I know you care.