Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Thursday 11th October 2012

Whoa! Must be Autumn!
PA114285.JPG Check out these bad boys. They've been gradually dropping out of our apple tree in the front garden, probably more so today on account of the wind. I had to run outside after dinner, after I caught A****** just chucking one about in the drive way. Yes, it may seem like something you can just kick around the tarmac (and we've done this many times before with rotten crabapples) but it's also food, food grown in our own front garden. So yeah . . . perhaps if you could just gather up any apples you see lying around on the soil, A******, before the slugs get to them, that would be great. They taste fantastic, though, these apples. I guess you couldn't really get an apple any fresher though.