Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Sunday 6th Jul 2008 20:51:43
Flash! Thunder!
img_6747.jpgThere's some relevance with the title here, as that's both a line from Band of Brothers (which I was watching on Saturday night) and an phenomena observed numerous times this afternoon. Yes - we thought it perfect weather (well, we didn't actually, but figured we needed to get out of the house and the weather seemed kind of okay) to go for a brief walk around Clougha. We stopped for biscuits and water at a stone bench and watched as these ominous clouds encroached from all directions (although the weather towards Grange and the Lakes looked fairly good). The rain started lightly at first but, after a few minutes, it was almost torrential, with only A****** dressed for such weather. Oooops. We hurried back to the car, with the weather not really letting up until we got back home. Suffice to say, M**** and I were drenched (my light, summer jacket wasn't really the right kind of coat for that weather).

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