Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Sunday 16th Dec 2007 15:05:07
img_4501.jpgimg_4502.jpgimg_4506.jpgimg_4514.jpgimg_4519.jpg Of course, the pictures can barely convey the bitter freezing conditions endured on that boat from Keswick to . . . well, I don't know where we went. It was about a ten/fifteen minute journey. Father Christmas gave us some 'sherry', and that helped a bit, but A****** had to rely on warm clothing and being huddled close to others. The old American woman in the fifth picture from the left here, she seemed to be resident at the pub/hotel thing we went to (Mary Mount Hotel?!), getting pretty much one-on-one service from one of the staff.
img_4525.jpgimg_4526.jpgimg_4528.jpg So we hung around the pub/hotel/thing for a while, finishing our lunch, trying to coerce A****** into eating one or two of his fish fingins (fingers). The three pictures here were taken whilst waiting for the boat journey back to Keswick. Simon and Beccy had to go back to Manchester to pick up Mark/Pop, whilst Anna, Justin, Liz and Antony bravely walked back.

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