Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Saturday 3rd Mar 2007 12:57:52
IMG_0993.JPGSo yesterday evening I did indeed go to the beer festival at Lancaster town hall. After trying a couple of interesting beers I realised I needed to introduce some randomisation into the beer choosing process. I figured the sequence from Lost, (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42), would do the trick. This meant I sampled some of the Lancaster Bomber, which I would usually avoid, but this time it tasted nothing like the stuff you get from pubs or bottles. It was actually really nice. Odd. I met Tania there, who was with a few work friends. Dan (from work) also turned up. Tarn mentioned that her neighbours have politely requested that I remove pictures from my web-site of the insides of their house, purely because they're currently in the process of selling their house and . . . oh, I don't know . . . something to do with the potential for burglary or something . . . I'm not entirely sure. I said what I could do was remove reference to the name of their house, or replace it with something else. It did kind of make me wonder why they never left a comment or click the 'contact the author' link or something. But hey . . . I got back some time around about 00:15, 00:20 . . . not too sure.

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