Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Sunday 24th Jul 2005
Today has been a lazy day. A mid-wife (Gail?!) came round at about 11 o'clock. A****** had a quick check. Weight gone down to 4010 grammes (but this is completely normal) and absolutely fine in all other respects. Otherwise, M****, A****** and I have been doing very little today. Sleeping and eating. I've finally figured how to get wireless networking working for me lap-top. This means the lap-top only needs one lead going into it: the power cable. So that's good. Otherwise . . . no news, really. I was saying to M****, we ought to trace back over last weekend and work out exactly what it was that brought on the labour. I suspect I was updating the web-site or M**** was feeding the cat . . . one of those two things must have set it off. But it's all a load of rubbish, of course . . . pretty much as I suspected . . . these things happen as and when.

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