Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Saturday 5th Nov 2005
So mostly I think these are attempted pictures of fireworks. Doesn't really work with this camera though. Anyway . . . during the afternoon, we had a look around a house in Warton and, between the next viewing, we had a proper wander the area, looking out for 'For Sale' signs or any old, dilapidated, farm buildings. The were a few of both, but the houses for sale were either ridiculously over-priced or just pig-ugly. During the evening, we did the fireworks thing at M****'s mum's place (and even had a fire going, contained within one of those metal-barrels-with-holes). Unfortunately, the fireworks were all a bit samey, and the sparklers were pretty naff. The Catherine wheels didn't have enough energy to get themselves spinning . . . well, at least, not until the last twenty seconds (or thereabouts). But apart from that, it was fine.
I couldn't decide which picture I preferred: with Koala or without. So yeah . . . might as well leave 'em both in.

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