Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Saturday 6th Nov 2021 23:14:06
Keswick Pencil Museum
God, I don't know how long we've been going on about Keswick Pencil Museum. I kinda thought, "There's no way this place can be as boring as it sounds, so we really need to check this place out," and, with that in mind, the boys included a complimentary, home-made gift certificate, entitling me to a day out at the Keswick Pencil Museum . . . this was way back in . . . erm . . . certainly before 2015. You see, after Keswick flooded way back in 2015, the museum had to close, and even when it re-opened, there was often an excuse or some other reason why we didn't quite make it there . . . and finally, we made it there today. It was pretty good, as it happened. A hefty chunk of the museum was taken up with efforts to conceal maps, compasses and various other bits and pieces within pencils during the Second World War.

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