Bellerophon symbol, variation 7
Sunday 20th Jul 2014 17:39:48
Devon, Day 2
Oh no. I've just noticed a problem with the new camera. Well, maybe it's not the camera but something is definitely wrong here. I could have sworn I set the correct date / time on this camera, but I've just noticed that all these pictures are out by two days, so I'm guessing I didn't set it correctly after all. Grrrrr. Anyway, not to worry. We arrived on the Sunday anyway. It should have been Saturday but due to some rather boring circumstances that I won't bore you with, we delayed setting off until early Sunday morning. I think we arrived at about 15:30 after an almost boringly routine and uneventful journey. No jams, no accidents, no freakish weather . . . just a long drive from Lancaster to . . . well, somewhere in Devon. A few miles north of Kingsbridge.

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